Anne of Green Gables

    Anne of Green Gables is written by Lucy Maud(L.M.) Montgomery. It is the first book in the series of Anne of Green Gables. It was first published in 1908 and then republished on May 6, 2003. It was published by Signet Book. There are 161 pages in the kindle version of this book. The genres to describe this book are novel, fiction, children’s literature, and Bildungsroman(a novel dealing with one person’s formative years or spiritual education). The main characters are Marilla Cuthbert, Matthew Cuthbert, Anne Shirley, Diana Barry, Gilbert Blythe, Anne Blythe, and Rachel Lynde. It takes place at Prince Edward Island, in Canada. 

What did I think of the book?

   I love this book. I have read this book at least 2 times now.  I rate it 5 stars out of 5 stars. The dialogue of each character sounds like something they would say, and it flows so smoothly from narration to dialogue and vice versa. This novel has a lot of morals that can improve our lives. I can see everything that this author is trying to tell us about because of the way she describes everything. It makes me feel like I am in this story. The Canadian setting is so vibrantly described and the vocabulary was excellent.  It was a little sad towards the end, but it got better.

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What did I think of the characters of the book? 

   Anne is an optimistic girl who likes to imagine. Anne talks straightforwardly about wanting, seeking, and building new friendships. She is stubborn and makes mistakes but sees the world as a positive place full of possibilities. She is funny, bright, and a regular chatterbox.  She hates her red hair, apologies to Marilla every day about being great trouble, and always sees the positive in everything. However, she does maintain a long-standing rivalry with her peer, Gilbert Blythe. 

   Matthew Cuthbert is a shy, quiet man, who is made uncomfortable by most women. His only exception is his sister and his gossipy neighbor, Mrs.Rachel Lynde. Marilla Cuthbert is thin, tall, and a practical woman. She doesn’t show any affection or emotion to anybody, unlike her brother, Matthew. 

   Diana Barry is Anne’s best friend(a bosom friend as Anne says). She is kind and pretty but lacks a wild imagination and a fiery personality. She is very loyal to Anne and their friendship becomes stronger as the plot advances. Gilbert Blythe is Anne’s classmate and rival. He teases her about her hair, which provokes her into hitting him with a slate. They end up on better terms after entering Queen’s academy. Mrs.Rachel Lynde is Anne’s neighbor. She makes it her business about what’s happening in town and often gives her opinion, even when no one asks for it. 

What did I think of the art of the book? 

   I liked how the cover looked. It could have looked a little better, but it is simple and not an eyesore. The kindle version of this book has a girl with red hair and a sunhat, standing with her hands together while we only see the back of her. This picture is in a circle in the middle of the cover. The background has two colors, green and white. The colors join together on a slant. 

Would I like a sequel or does the sequel work?

  There are sequels to this book and I’m in the middle one of the next books. A sequel would work because Anne was interesting to read about and reading more about her adventures sounds fun. There are 7 more original sequels to this book. And by original, I mean, that L.M. Montgomery wrote these books. 

 What is the ideal reader age group for this book?

   The ideal age group I would recommend this book for is 8+.  But, I’m in middle school and I’m reading this series. I loved this book when I was younger, and I still love this book. You could be in high school and love this book. I will always remember this story when I grow up. 

– Divy