Sisters Red

Sisters Red is written by Jackson Pearce. It is the first book in the series of Fairytale Retellings. It was published on June 7, 2010, by Little Brown Books for Young Readers. There are 328 pages in the hardcover version. The genre this book falls under is paranormal fiction.  The main characters are Silas Reynolds, Rosie March, Scarlett March, and Fenris. It takes place at Ellison, United States, and Atlanta, Georgia, United States.  

What did I think of the book?

 ***Spoiler Alert(s)***

I have to rate this book 3 stars out of 5 stars.  I just plainly don’t like this book. I thought Rosie was a dull character and this book is so stereotyped. The hunting element was not properly thought through. If you want to take down all the Fenris, so why not use a GUN!?  The plot was very boring. It was too long for a simple plot. I could already tell what the plot twist was from the first 100 something pages. The romance in this book is awful. There is a huge age gap and Rosie isn’t a legal adult yet. But I liked the mystery and mythology of this book. 

What did I think of the characters of the book? 

 Scarlett March is the older sister of Rosie March. She is eighteen in this book. She is the scarred warrior. Scarlett only has one eye and isn’t pretty like her sister. She lost her eye and her grandmother to a Fenris, so all she sees and thinks about is the hunt. The hunt, as you can guess, is finding and killing the Fenris. She is physically strong but is emotionally unstable, desperate, and scared. Rosie March is the younger sister of Scarlett. Rosie is sixteen. Rosie is beautiful but not as strong as her sister. She is happy with herself and confident. She wants to do something other than hunt in her life. She starts to like Silas and starts dating him later in the story. They don’t know where their mother is, they don’t know who their father is, and they don’t know if they are siblings or half-siblings. 

Silas Reynolds is their hunting partner. He is the oldest out of the three friends. He is twenty-one years old. Silas is strong and handsome. He has a crush on Rosie, and later starts dating her. He encourages her to go behind Scarlett’s back and do what she wants. He is also the potential wolf that the Fenris are trying to find. The Fenris are werewolves that prey on innocent and young girls. Each of them have tattoos that categorize them into packs. They can shift whenever they want. 

What did I think of the art of the book? 

I thought this cover was really cool. There are two sisters’ faces, and their hair defines each other’s hair. The sister with the black hair has the face of a wolf in her hair. I like the color choices. Red, black, and white go really well with each other. 

Would I like a sequel or does the sequel work? 

This book is part of a series but the books are only retelling other fairytales. I wouldn’t finish this series anyway because I really didn’t like the characters in this story. I have a feeling that all the characters will be similar. 

What is the ideal reader age group for this book?

The ideal age for this book would be 14 and up. There is a lot of gore, violence, and blood. There are half-naked party girls that the Fenris target. There is mild language and kissing.  

– Div