Anne of Avonlea

 Anne of Avonlea is written by Lucy Maud(L.M.) Montgomery. It is the second book in the series of Anne of Green Gables. It was first published in June 1909 It was published by L.C. Page & Co. There are 256 pages in the kindle version of this book. The genres to describe this book are novel, fiction, and children’s literature. The main characters are Marilla Cuthbert, Davy and Dora Keith, Anne Shirley, Diana Barry, Gilbert Blythe, Paul, and Stephen Irving, Mr.Harrison, and Rachel Lynde. It takes place at Prince Edward Island, in Canada. 

What did I think of the book?

I also have to rate this book 5 stars out of 5 stars. I love this book! It’s so good!! Anne has matured, grown older, but she stills sees the good in the world.  Everything that the author wrote went together so smoothly. The descriptions got even better, and I could clearly see Davy and Dora from this book in my head. 

What did I think of the characters of the book? 

Anne is an optimistic girl who likes to imagine. Anne talks straightforwardly about wanting, seeking, and building new friendships. She is stubborn and makes mistakes but sees the world as a positive place full of possibilities. She is funny, bright, and a regular chatterbox.  She has grown older and wiser but has a little childish self left in her. She becomes a teacher at the Avonlea school. 

Marilla Cuthbert is thin, tall, and a practical woman. She doesn’t show any affection or emotion to anybody, unlike her late brother, Matthew. She gets along with Anne much better. Davy Keith is mischievous, naughty, loves to eat, and rarely does what he is told. He is always smiling, fair skin, ringlets all over his head, one dimple, and hazel eyes. He loves to torture his sister, Dora. Dora Keith is a twin to Davy. She is the opposite of Davy. She does what she is told and is very calm and quiet. She has long curls, hazel eyes, a snub nose, and a “prunes and prisms” mouth. 

Diana Barry is Anne’s best friend(a bosom friend as Anne says). She is kind and pretty but lacks a wild imagination and a fiery personality. She is very loyal to Anne and their friendship becomes stronger as the plot advances. Gilbert Blythe is Anne’s good friend. He develops feelings for Anne but does not tell her. Mrs.Rachel Lynde is Anne’s neighbor. She makes it her business about what’s happening in town and often gives her opinion, even when no one asks for it.

Mr.Harrison is Anne and Marilla’s new neighbor. He initially appeared as a cold-tempered man. But he becomes Anne’s friend with his practical attitude. He has a rude parrot named Ginger, who later dies in the story. Paul Irving is a young boy who is a student in Anne’s class. He is imaginative and becomes a fast friend to Anne. He moved in with his grandmother from the United States. Stephen Irving is Paul’s father and is Lavendar’s sweetheart from their youth. 

What did I think of the art of the book? 

I liked how the cover looked. The kindle version of this book has a girl with red hair and flowers in her hand. She has a blue shirt, black and white tie, and a black skirt on. There is a house in the background and a few trees with flowers surrounding the girl. I love how the title is in script. It makes it look fancy. 

Would I like a sequel or does the sequel work? 

There are sequels to this book and I’m in the middle of one of the next books. A sequel would work because Anne was interesting to read about and reading more about her adventures sounds fun. Anne has grown up and can do a lot more than when she was younger. She has made a lot of new friends to make adventures with. There are 6 more original sequels to this book. And by original, I mean, that L.M. Montgomery wrote these books.

What is the ideal reader age group for this book?

The ideal age group for this book is 10+. But, I’m in middle school and I’m reading this series. It’s best for ages ten and up because this book talks about Anne going through young adulthood, which is going to be more relevant for older kids. Anne and Gilbert write gossip notes in the newspaper. There was a man courting someone and this leads to a scandal. There’s a chaste romance and wedding. Anne blushes when she gazes at a certain someone.

– Divy